Sponser A Paw


Coco was rescued on 4th June 2020 after a dog attack. She got paralyzed due to her spine injury. She is a healthy cat but is permanently disabled from her hind legs. Because of her disability to walk nobody adopted her and thus she stays with Paw Saviour Foundation as her permanent home. Her monthly expenses are approx.

₹ 10,000 ($150).


Goldy was rescued on 14th August 2021. He was case of human abuse, someone attacked him with a sharp object on his back resulting of fracture of spine, but thankfully his cord was intact. He was rescued in paralyzed condition with dragging wounds on his lower part of body. Hospital suggested him PTS to the rescuer but Paw Saviour Foundation took his custody and helped him survive. Now after his multiple physiotherapy and laser sessions he can stand for a few minutes and take a few steps as well. He is still under treatment. His monthly expenses are approx.

₹ 20,000-25,000 ($300-350).


Lucy was rescued on 11th August 2021 after a dog attack. There was a big puncture wound on her neck and severe cervical stress resulting in disorientation and loss of control on her body. After a long treatment andphysiotherapy sessions she has recovered almost 80%. We still need to continue her physiotherapy sessions so that she can recover 100%. She also needs vaccination and her spaying surgery soon. Her monthly expenses are approx.

₹ 15,000 ($220).


Maisie was found dragging on road on 7th September 2021. Her cause of injury was unknown. After her X-ray the doctors confirmed that she has 2 fractures in her spine and will never be able to walk. Hence she was suggested for a PTS but Paw Saviour Foundation took her custody and helped her survive. She is still living a healthy life but with lots of care and maintenance. She does not have any other medical condition apart from lower body
paralysis and bowel and bladder incontinence. She can live a healthy life with continued support and care. Her monthly expenses are approx. `

₹ 15,000 ($220).


Pepper was rescued on 30th September 2020 after a dog attack. He had a pelvic fracture and a compressed fracture in spine. Later his L5-6 got fused together followed by nerve compression, due to this he lost his bladder and bowel incontinence. He also underwent spinal decompression surgery in 2021 but that did not helped him. He is still unable to control his pee and poop and it keeps leaking all the time. Nobody adopted him because of his medical condition. His monthly expenses are approx.

₹ 15,000 ($220).

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