Roles and Functions

Roles And Functions:


To Provide food and shelter to stray animals. Help/provide medical treatment to the stray animals in need.

  • For the welfare of animals including stray and sick animals.
  • To advance literacy and general education of animal welfare, among the public.
  • For treating terminally ill animals and animals abandoned on the streets.
  • For controlling the population of stray dogs and cats.
  • To foster a spirit of peaceful existence between the humans and stray animals.
  • To provide immediate medical attention to animals wounded by vehicles, abuse by humans or other pet animals.
  • To construct adequate infrastructure for taking care of sick and stray animals
  • To initiate adoption programs and encourage people to adopt stray animals.
  • To vaccinate dogs and cats against rabies and other viruses.
  • To work in coordination with the animal welfare board of India and society for prevention of cruelty to animals.
  • To cooperate with institutions and societies having similar aims and objects.
  • To publish books, periodicals and other literature and on digital social media for promoting the cause of stopping cruelty upon animals.
  • To help other societies with similar objectives.
  • To start a shelter for the cats and dogs with special needs.
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